service indicator Citroen C5 2017 (RD/TD) / 2.G Owner's Manual

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C5 _en_Chap01_instruments-bord_ed01-2016
Instrument panels - petrol and Diesel
A. Fuel gauge
B. Indicator:

oolant temperature

ruise control/Speed limiter information

nalogue speedometer

ev counter


ngine oil temperature

ear efficiency.

ear selector position and gear engaged
(automatic gearbox). F. C
● L ighting dimmer

eset the trip mileage recorder and
service indicator

nstrument panel screen indicating:

epending on the page selected with the
left-hand thumb wheel on the steering

igital speed repeater

rip computer

avigation (guidance) information

isplay of message alerts

ngine oil level indicator

ervice indicator● P
- T rip mileage recorder

otal mileage recorder



ervice indicator.

ngine oil level indicator.

lert messages.
Panel grouping together the dials and vehicle operation indicator and warning lamps.

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Return to the main
instrument panel screen
Successive rotations of the left-hand thumb
wheel on the steering wheel allow you to return
to the main instrument panel screen display
(vehicle speed), via the navigation information
screen, then the screen displaying only the
total mileage and the trip mileage (bottom of
screen).You can display navigation information in
instrument panel screen by rotating the
left-hand thumb wheel on the steering wheel. This function allows you to check certain
indicators and display the log of alerts.

ress on button A.
The following information appears in turn in the
instrument panel screen:

epeat of the service indicator.

epeat of the range indicator for the
® and the SCR system for BlueHDi
Diesel versions.


epeat of the engine oil level indicator.


ny alert messages.
Check function
Display of navigation
information in the
instrument panel screen

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Engine oil temperature
Under normal operating conditions, the bars
should be within section 1.
In severe operating conditions, the bars may
extend into section 2 .
In this event, slow down, and if necessary,
stop the engine and check the levels (see the
corresponding section).
Coolant temperature
Under normal operating conditions, the bars
should be within section 1 .
In severe operating conditions, the bars may
extend into section 2 , the engine coolant
temperature warning lamp A and the STOP
warning lamp come on in the instrument panel.
Stop as soon as it is safe to do so . Switch off
the ignition. The cooling fan may continue to
operate for a cer tain time .
Contact a CITROËN dealer or a qualified
If the SERVICE warning lamp comes on, check
the levels (see the corresponding section). On horizontal ground, illumination of the fuel
low warning lamp indicates that you are at the
reser ve level.
An alert message is displayed in the instrument
Fuel gauge

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More than 1 700 miles (3 000 km)
remain before the next service
is due
When the ignition is switched on, no service
information appears in the instrument panel
Between 600 miles (1 000 km) and 1 800 miles
(3 000 km) remain before the next service is due
For a few seconds after the ignition is switched
on, the spanner symbolising the service
operations comes on and a message is
displayed in the instrument panel indicating
the distance or time remaining before the next
service is due.
Example: 1 900 miles (2 800 km) remain
before the next service is due.
When the ignition is switched on, the
instrument panel screen temporarily indicates:
Less than 600 miles (1 000 km)
remain before the next service is due
For a few seconds after the ignition is switched
on, the spanner symbolising the service
operations flashes and a message is displayed
in the instrument panel indicating the distance or
time remaining before the next service is due.
Example: 500 miles (900 km) remain before the
next service is due.
When the ignition is switched on, the instrument
panel screen indicates for a few seconds:
After the message disappears, the spanner
remains on alongside the mileage recorder as
a reminder that a service must be carried out
Service indicator
System which informs the driver when the
next service is due, in accordance with the
manufacturer's service schedule.
The point at which the service is due is
calculated from the last service indicator reset
to zero, according to the mileage covered and
the time elapsed since the last service.
A few seconds after the ignition is switched on,
the spanner goes off.
For BlueHDi Diesel versions, depending
on the country of sale, the degree of
deterioration of the engine oil may also
be taken into account.

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Service indicator
zero resetService overdue
For a few seconds after the ignition is switched
on, the spanner flashes to indicate that
the service must be carried out as soon as
Example: the service is overdue by 300 miles.
When the ignition is switched on, the
instrument panel screen indicates:
The spanner remains on alongside the
mileage recorder to indicate that a service is
overdue. For BlueHDi Diesel versions, the
spanner may also come on early,
according to the level of deterioration
of the engine oil, which depends on the
driving conditions in which the vehicle
is used.
After each service, the service indicator must
be reset to zero.
If you have carried out the service yourself:

witch off the ignition,

ress and hold the trip distance recorder
zero reset button,

witch on the ignition; the distance recorder
display begins a countdown,

hen the display indicates "=0", release
the button; the spanner disappears.
Following this operation, if you wish to
disconnect the battery, lock the vehicle and
wait at least five minutes for the zero reset to
be taken into account.
For BlueHDi Diesel versions, the
warning lamp also comes on
when the ignition is switched on. The spanner may come on if you have
exceeded the period since the last service,
as indicated in the manufacturer's service

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Engine oil level indicator
The engine oil level is displayed in the
instrument panel screen for a few seconds
when the ignition is switched on, after the
servicing information.Oil level correct
This is indicated by the display of the message
"Oil level incorrect" in the instrument panel
screen, accompanied by the service warning
lamp and an audible signal.
Oil level indicator fault
In the event of a fault with the electric
indicator, the oil level is no longer
If the system is faulty, you must check
the engine oil level using the manual
dipstick located under the bonnet.
For more information on Checking
levels, refer to the corresponding
Oil level incorrect
This is signalled by the display of the message
"Oil level measurement invalid" in the
instrument panel screen.
Contact a CITROËN dealer or a qualified
If the low oil level is confirmed by a
check using the dipstick, the level must
be topped-up to avoid damage to the
For more information on Checking
levels , refer to the corresponding
The level read will only be correct if
the vehicle is on level ground and the
engine has been off for more than


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Warning/indicator lampis on Cause Action / Observations
STOP fixed, associated with
another warning lamp. The illumination of this warning lamp
is associated with a serious fault with
the braking system, power steering,
automatic gearbox, engine oil
pressure, engine coolant temperature
or a major electrical fault. Stop as soon as it is safe to do so.
Park, switch off the ignition and call a CITROËN
dealer or a qualified workshop.
Service temporarily,
accompanied by a
message. One or more minor faults for which
there is no specific warning lamp
have been detected. Identify the cause of the fault using the message
displayed in the screen.
You can deal with some problems yourself, such as a
door open or the start of saturation of the particle filter
(as soon as the traffic conditions allow, regenerate
the filter by driving at a speed of at least 40 mph
km/h), until the warning lamp goes off).
For any other problems, such as a fault with the tyre
under inflation detection system, contact a CITROËN
dealer or a qualified workshop.
fixed, accompanied by
a message. One or more major faults for which
there is no specific warning lamp
have been detected. Identify the cause of the fault using the message
displayed in the screen; you must then contact a
CITROËN dealer or a qualified workshop.
fixed, associated with the
flashing and then fixed
display of the service
indicator spanner.The servicing interval has been
Only on BlueHDi Diesel versions.
Your vehicle must be serviced as soon as possible.

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stability control
The DSC/ASR regulation is
operating. The system optimises traction and improves the
directional stability of the vehicle in the event of loss of
grip or trajectory.
fixed. The DSC/ASR system has a fault. Have the system checked by a CITROËN dealer or a
qualified workshop.
/indicator lampis on Cause Action / Observations
Brake pad wear fixed, accompanied
by an audible signal
and a message in the
display screen. The brake pads are at an advanced
state of wear.
Have the brake pads replaced by a CITROËN dealer
or a qualified workshop.
Deactivation of
the automatic
functions of the
electric parking
The "automatic application" (on
switching off the engine) and
"automatic release" functions are
deactivated or faulty. Activate the function (depending on the country of
sale) via the vehicle parameters menu or contact a
CITROËN dealer or a qualified workshop if automatic
application / release is no longer possible.
For more information on the Electric parking brake
refer to the corresponding section.
Under-inflation fixed. The pressure in one or more wheels
is too low. Check the pressure of the tyres as soon as possible.
This check should preferably be carried out when the
tyres are cold.
+ flashing then fixed,
accompanied by the
Service warning lamp.The tyre pressure monitoring system
has a fault or no sensor is detected
on one of the wheels. Under-inflation detection is not assured.
Have the system checked by a CITROËN dealer or a
qualified workshop.

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Warning/indicator lampis on Cause Action / Observations
+ SCR emissions
control system

(BlueHDi Diesel) fixed, on switching
on the ignition,
associated with the
SERVICE and engine
diagnostic warning
lamps, accompanied
by an audible signal
and a message. A fault with the SCR emissions
control system has been detected.
This alert disappears once the exhaust emissions
return to normal levels.
flashing, on switching
on the ignition,
associated with the
SERVICE and engine
diagnostic warning
lamps, accompanied by
an audible signal and
a message indicating
the remaining driving
range. After confirmation of the fault with the
emissions control system, you can
drive for up to 650 miles (1 100 km)
before the engine starting inhibition
system is triggered.
Contact a CITROËN dealer or a qualified workshop
without delay
, to avoid a breakdown .
flashing, on switching
on the ignition,
associated with the
SERVICE and engine
diagnostic warning
lamps, accompanied
by an audible signal
and a message. You have exceeded the authorised
driving limit following confirmation
of a fault with the emissions control
system: the engine starting inhibition
system prevents starting of the
To be able to start the engine, you must
call on a
CITROËN dealer or a qualified workshop.

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- exterior perimeter
The system checks for opening of the vehicle.
The alarm is triggered if anyone tries to open a
door, the boot, the bonnet...
- interior volumetric
The system checks for any variation in the
volume in the passenger compartment.
The alarm is triggered if anyone breaks a
window, enters the passenger compartment or
moves inside the vehicle.
- tilt
The system checks for any change in the
attitude of the vehicle.
The alarm is triggered if the vehicle is lifted,
moved or knocked.
Locking the vehicle with full
alarm system
* Depending on the country of sale.
Self-protection function
The system checks for the putting out of
service of its components.
The alarm is triggered if the battery, the
central control or the siren wiring are
put out of service or damaged.
For all work on the alarm system,
contact a CITROËN dealer or a
qualified workshop.
System which protects and provides a deterrent
against theft and break-ins. It provides the
following types of monitoring:

Switch off the ignition and get out of the
F Press the locking button on the remote control.
The monitoring system is active: the indicator lamp
in the button flashes once per second.
After the locking button on the remote control
is pressed, the exterior perimeter monitoring is
activated after a delay of 5 seconds and the interior
volumetric and anti-tilt monitoring after a delay of
45 seconds.
If an opening (door, boot...) is not closed fully, the
vehicle is not locked but the exterior perimeter
monitoring will be activated after a delay of
seconds at the same time as the interior
volumetric and anti-tilt monitoring.

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